Friday, April 24, 2020

Service for April 19, 2020

Call to Worship.............. Breathe
Hymn of Praise............. Our Great Savior
God's Word for Children
Ministry through Music (this is the song I sent you, we don't usually post the title of
special music, but you can if you want)
Ministry through Prayer
Song of Affirmation........ Love Came Down
Reading of the Word - Luke 24:13-35
Proclamation of the Word - The Emmaus Road
Song of Response.......... I Am Not Alone



Sermon Manuscript:

Donate Tithes and offerings here:

Treasure Box

Treasure Box

Treasure Box

Sunday, April 12, 2020

Easter Service!

Here is the Link to our LIVE STREAM  service:

Link to audio:

Order of Worship

Call to Worship..... What A beautiful Name It Is 
Medley of Praise.... Christ Arose / Christ the 
                         Lord Is Risen Today / He Lives 
God's Word for Children (Treasure Box - see pictures below)
Ministry through Music 
Reading of the Word - Luke 23:55- 24:10)
Sermon - "Sparkle"
The Lord's Table 
Song of Response...... Glorious Day

Treasure Box

Treasure Box

Sunday, April 5, 2020

Video of Palm Sunday Service April 5, 2020

Service for April 5th 2020

Audio for Service April 5th, 2020
Order of Service
*Hymn - "All Hail the Power Melody"
*Treasure Box for Children (John 14: 1 & 15) (see attached Pictures)
*Sermon - " A Moment of Majesty " (Mark 11-1-10)
*Hymn - "Name of the Lord Melody"

Sunday Vespers ( "To Be Someone") AUDIO ONLY: Theme: ...